What to expect
Smooth finish as standard.
You can expect a guaranteed smooth finish on all models, as well as additional zenith lighting on your base colours if requested. You will not find any patchy, uneven coats or any model primer showing through in hard to reach areas.
Full highlighting.
Even at our minimum level, all edges will be picked out with an edge highlight in the box-art style, along with all lenses, screens and other small details fully painted & highlighted to a premium standard with any necessary point of light sourcing if required.
Small details.
Big difference.
Attention to detail is key for a premium paint job, which is why details such as purity seals, book pages & scrolls will always include script within any painting level. On top of this, any bare faces will be fully complete with highlighting & shading, along with other fully painted details such as eyes, teeth & tongues whenever required.
The Process
Siege Studios have streamlined the process into 12 easy steps:
Other painting levels we offer:
Display Quality
Several stages of highlights and a further investment of time spent on all details. Exquisite looking models for gaming and great in a cabinet.
High Display Quality
Our gold level offers meticulous attention on each model. This level is perfect for characters, captains and centrepiece figures.