Since 2013, Siege Studios has evolved from its origin in a small flat above a chemist, to the leading commission miniature painting company in the industry, offering the highest standards consistently across the board.
James’ desire to make premium miniature painting an accessible service that you can purchase with full confidence rather than scepticism through a social media inbox has lead Siege to boast 8 office staff members working behind the scenes. With over 90 studio painters including competition winners of the Slayer Sword, Golden Demon, Monte San Savino and IronSkull, as well as previous members of the ‘Eavy Metal and Games Workshop Army Painter teams, making us the only commission painting studio with this calibre of team assembled.
Office Team
James Otero
CEO & Founder
CEO & Founder
I got into painting warhammer when I was around 9 years old and have never looked back! 28 years later my passion for the industry, painting and miniatures in all aspects burns stronger than ever & I am constantly trying to better myself in painting & modelling. For me time is the most important commodity and you can’t replace it, so learning how best to spend it and being time economical without jeopardising painting quality is very important. With painting, modelling and converting I have always tried to better myself on every model I execute never settling for the lazy or easy option, a shortcut is only as good as the results it produces. I am trying to enter more competitions time depending with running Siege Studios and in addition to running Siege Scenics with Adam, I’ve been lucky enough to participate in and win several renowned painting competitions which are my favourite aspect of the miniature painting scene. My personal painting highlights and cherished moments include a winning Bronze Golden Demon Duel in 2018, a Gold in Squad at Salute in 2018, Bronze in the Staff category at IronSkull in 2020, a Bronze in Standard at MPO Bristol in 2024 and a Silver in Standard at the prestigious Monte San Savino in November 2024. I aim to enter more competitions in the future and hope to see you at a competition! Finally, for me quality, attention to detail and a striking model are paramount. Thanks for dropping by the Siege Studios site and for the interest in us!
Rhi Field
Finance Director
Rhi Field
Finance Director
My journey into the miniatures and wargaming industry did not start in a Games Workshop (like the majority of others). A second national Covid lockdown in 2020 and a relocation to Essex sparked the discovery of the world of Space Marines, mould lines and a shortage of Chaos Black spray! A sense of pressure was instantly felt on the realisation of the lack of females in the wargaming industry which was quickly replaced by an urge to encourage a more level playing field. In a noticeably short space of time and the learning of some very peculiar model names, I have learnt that brush care is crucial, the thinner the paint the better and you cannot ever have too many pots of (Blood Red) paint or spare sprues! With a fresh set of eyes and no prior influence, the hunt was quickly on to find a favourite model which currently sits at a tie between Ghazghkull Thraka and Kairos Fateweaver. Not known for being patient, the most surprising and rewarding aspect of freelance painting is the ability to switch off from the external world and focus my attention on bringing each individual model to life for the client. Working in the Siege Head Office surrounded by the dedicated office team and incredibly talented freelance artists is extremely rewarding and I am very proud to be a part of it. Commission painting has become a huge part of my life and I look forward to pushing my skills and hopefully entering some competitions next year!
Joe Hart
Operations Manager
Joe Hart
Operations Manager
I was introduced to Warhammer at the age of 10, but like many others had a large break from the hobby shortly after that before finding myself in my local gaming store at the age of 25, and I’ve been painting & gaming non-stop since. I joined the Siege Studios office team in 2019 initially as an Office Assistant, but my role has since grown into overseeing the day-to-day operations of the company! Prior to joining Siege I had been involved in the industry by launching Hobby Hoard, a subscription box service which in its short lifespan supplied over 100 subscribers worldwide with a variety of painting supplies each month, and my Kill Team podcast Chill Team. Having said that, I’ve never been more proud to be a part of this industry & community than I am now that I work for Siege Studios and I can’t wait to help the company be a part of the surge in popularity that our lovely little industry is soon to experience!
Lou Chapman
Accounts & Admin
Lou Chapman
Accounts & Admin
I joined Siege Studios in December 2019 as Accounts and Admin in Siege Head Office, before that I came from a HR & Recruitment background in the Airline and Travel & Tourism sector, so a million miles away from miniature painting and warhammer! Since joining, my eyes have been opened up to a whole new world and I have already learnt so much about this hobby and also about just how much time and effort and absolute skill that goes into painting these miniatures and just what a talented bunch I now have the pleasure to work with. I look forward to expanding my new found knowledge of all things Warhammer!
George C
Content Creator
Content Creator
With a background in the music industry I have always had a love of being creative, and I always knew it was something I wanted to peruse professionally. Whilst studying for my music degree, on a whim I picked up some space marine models to paint and my passion only grew from there. I’ve since painted hundreds of models but I always try to push myself with what I do and explore new ways to improve. My hopes for the future are to pursue competitive painting more and perhaps pick up a trophy or two!
Kelly G
Administration, Events & Marketing
Kelly G
Administration, Events & Marketing
I joined Siege Studios in December 2023 after a 3 year stint within the Ecology Sector. Having thrown myself head first into the industry, I found myself frequently burnt out and desperate for a means to slow down, that’s when I discovered miniature painting! I have always been heavily invested into Gaming and the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres, with a deep love for Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. When encouraged to try painting miniatures from a close friend, i found myself hooked with a new obsession for anything Chaos!
It became everything I needed; the ability to enjoy some peace and switch off, delve into the building process and colour theory, topped off with a sense of pride and accomplishment for finishing a model. As it stands, every aspect of miniature painting has helped improve my life massively. Since starting at Siege, I’ve learned so much about Warhammer and the community and I’m loving being able to get more and more involved in the lore as the days go on. I’m looking forward to continuously expanding my Warhammer knowledge all whilst working alongside a great team of both office staff and talented artists.
Adam R
Affiliate Artist
Adam R
Affiliate Artist
My earliest memories of the hobby are twofold, first playing a game of the Lord of the Rings battle strategy game with my Dad in his freezing garage, and second playing football. It was a cold December day and we were preparing for our match and my Dad said to me “Tom, if you score a hattrick today we’ll go to Games Workshop and I’ll buy you a box of Dwarf warriors.”. With this incentive I played one of the best games of my life, scoring not one not two but three goals, earning myself the hattrick and a brand new box of Khazad-dum’s finest. I was 9 years old. From there my love for the hobby has never stopped growing. I’ve played, collected and painted models from Lord of the Rings, 40k and Blood Bowl, and don’t plan on stopping any time soon. By the time I finished studying Film and TV at University, Siege Studios was a company very well known to me, and when I saw they were hiring I leapt at the opportunity to join such a great company. I have found here that I can combine both my passion for tabletop games and filmmaking to create content that is seen by the wider community, and contributes greatly to others’ experience of this awesome hobby, for which, I’m sure, little 9 year old me, would be very proud.
Paul K
Shipping & Stores Assistant
Paul K
Shipping & Stores Assistant
I started model making from a very young age influenced by my Dad. I made many Airfix kits in the late 80s and early 90s and learned how to paint miniatures from VHS tapes my Dad had bought. After painting lots of military minis I really wanted to paint a fantasy model, so for my birthday one year he took me to a local company that made white metal miniatures and I got my first fantasy kit. After that I was pretty much hooked on the subject, it wasn’t really until the early to mid 90s that I discovered Games Workshop after reading a copy of White Dwarf. After a few years of gaming and painting I started working for GW in a local store and even entered the Golden Daemon awards a few in a row.
I kept painting until I joined the Army in 99 and kind of lost touch with the hobby after that, just painting on and off over the years and even selling a few minis online and to friends, that sort of thing. It wasn’t until recently that I saw myself job hunting and realised Siege Studios was literally on my doorstep and was hiring! I get to see so many great artists work coming through the company and it’s amazing just how much dedication goes into each model, I’m really glad I get to be a part of the process and can’t imagine the excitement of receiving a parcel of freshly painted minis from Siege Studios!
Senior Studio Team
Senior Artist
Senior Artist
I’ve made a career from a passion of painting miniatures, from what started in 1993 when a school friend took me into a local hobby shop and introduced me to the miniature world I was instantly hooked. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to have worked full time in the industry since 2007, over this time I have painted pretty much every scale and genre of model. I am an avid competition painter and have now won 10 Golden Demon awards and 11 awards at Salute painting competition, even with all this time and experience painting i am still evolving and developing my techniques and always learning, never happier than when I have a brush in my hand and paint on my pallet.
Senior Artist
Senior Artist
My love for modelling and painting began when I was 6 years old, and I used to watch my Dad paint model aircraft. As I got older, he showed me how to build and paint model aircraft. I stumbled across a copy of white dwarf on my paper round one day, and then begged my parents to take me to games workshop. Since then, I have never looked back! I’ve been painting and modelling now for about 20 years and it is still as big a passion to me now, as all those years ago. When I’m not painting models, I’m watching painting tutorials. My motto is, you can learn something from everyone… even if it’s how NOT to do something. My personal army is an ever growing chapter of Space Wolves.
Senior Artist
Senior Artist
Always a keen drawer and painter from a young age, I dabbled with miniatures in secondary school (way further in the past than I like to admit!) but then picked up painting and converting again in the late 2000’s. I went on to win some Golden Demon and Salute trophies as well as some online contests over the next few years, and even had a cover feature in Figure Painter International magazine. Painting minis is my absolute passion, and if I’m not painting or kitbashing I’m thinking about my next project!
Senior Artist
Senior Artist
I got hooked on Warhammer back in the mid 90’s after seeing a rad picture of a Skaven assassin. Nowadays I feel weird when a day goes by when I’m not painting, or at least preparing something to paint! The game side of the hobby quickly fell away to make more time for painting, and I entered lots of competitions. I like to think I’m always learning, because I like experimenting and coming up with new ideas. I’ve become fearless when it comes to freehand, and gained a reputation for painting scaly Lizardmen. I took these to Golden Demon in 2019 and got a trophy for them. Not long after I decided to try to make a living painting, and here I am today!
Freehand Specialist
Freehand Specialist
It’s close to 30 years since I painted my first miniature in the hazy 80’s. Born by a modeler dad and I’ve been painting on and off trough time on many different projects. Always experimenting, trying to get better at many styles. Gamer at heart but lately it’s mostly painting! Today most know me for my freehand painting that I paint on banners and miniatures and I’ve also won two silver Golden Demons back in 1997. Looking forward to once more, one day enter a painting competition!
Senior Artist
Senior Artist
I took my first tentative steps into the hobby over 30 years ago; I’d collected Fighting Fantasy books and these had led me inexorably to Games Workshop… and I’ve never looked back. I’ve always been an avid gamer but deep down painting was always where my true skills lay. So much so, that my goal after leaving school was to become an ‘Eavy metal painter… which I’m proud to say I eventually achieved! Collecting wise, I’ve always been drawn to evil armies.. Skeletons being the first miniatures I ever bought, and I’ve been collecting Dark Eldar since their first release. Currently, collecting and playing Warhammer Underworlds is my main hobby passion.
Senior Artist
Senior Artist
I’ve spent the majority of my life being creative, making random things out of junk, painting, sculpting, drawing, professional designing for over 20yrs and generally getting covered in glue. I returned to miniature painting in 2016 as a hobby and means of relaxation and pushed myself into competition painting, picking up awards at Golden Demon, Salute, IronSkull and MPO in the process. In 2021 I went full time as a commission painter and modeler, working for manufacturers, collectors and studios. Everyday is a good day if you get to make a mess and paint amazing miniatures.
Simon J
Senior Artist
Simon J
I started in the Warhammer hobby too many years ago with a trip to the local Games Workshop store on a whim after one of my brother’s mates let me look through a White Dwarf. I left the store with some metal Deathwing Terminators and a lifelong passion! After I ruined those Dark Angels with enamel paints I have slowly got my act – and the proper paints – together. I love this hobby and enjoy finding new ways of pushing myself to improve. Working for Siege has been a dream come true as it’s given me the opportunity to work on some fantastic projects from custom one-off characters to armies spread over multiple months! When I’m not painting miniatures for Siege during the day I unwind at night by painting miniatures for myself. I can also be found showing off my amazingly bad dice rolls playing Killteam. I was fortunate enough to win Bronze in the Ironskull Staff category in 2022 and multiple Finalist pins at Golden Demon 2022. I’m now hooked on entering painting competitions so hope to see you at a few soon!
Core Studio Team
Aaron C
I began painting at an early age alongside my older brothers and dad. I quickly realised that I wasn’t nearly skilled enough to win many games and therefore focused my energy on making the models look the best I could and haven’t looked back! I still have an appalling win record but at least they look pretty!
Amy S
I have been in the hobby since 2014, I instantly fell in love and knew I’d found my passion. I put many hours into collecting and painting lots of different miniatures. I’ve had various armies over the years for both Warhammer Age of Sigmar and 40k. In 2018, I decided I loved painting so much I wanted to do it every day and so I turned my hobby into my job and I’ve never looked back. It truly is an amazing career.More recently I’ve enjoyed painting miniatures for smaller skirmish games such as Marvel: Crisis Protocol and Star Wars Legion. This has allowed me to focus on improving my painting standard and learning new techniques. I’m really keen on improving my ability as a painter, and working for Siege Studios has massively helped me to learn and improve. I truly love every single day in this job!
Ben M
After a twenty five year break I decided to have a bash at painting again while furloughed in 2020, I became immediately addicted and have been painting pretty much everyday since. I like to learn new techniques, be it painting or modelling and push myself on every miniature to try something new. In this case my hard work paid off, within 12 months I landed a job at Siege Studios and won a silver medal in the 2021 Miniature Painting Open. Working at Siege has given me the opportunity to take my craft to the next level and going forward will enter as many competitions as possible.
Danny L
I was introduced to the hobby by my older cousins when I was just 5 years old and my stupid baby hands could barely hold a paintbrush. Now many moons and a lot of blood sweat and tears later, I have successfully learned to hold a paintbrush… and maybe a few other things. It’s definitely these early years that still influence me the most in my own minis, with the art work and vibrant colours of the 90s being my main inspiration to this day. However I love to pick up new techniques and try out a range of styles to see how I can incorporate them into different schemes. I think if you want to be a good mini painter you shouldn’t only look at painting minis. I’m still a bit taken aback that my passion for this nerdy little hobby has brought me here, getting paid to do what I love. I don’t think my parents can quite believe it either.
Dicky M
I have had a passion for all things model making for most of my life, from an early introduction with Airfix, I have worked across so many different scales and genres over the years – from 6mm up to 1/19. Personally I most enjoy working on anything armoured that’s heavily weathered, though I am always working to improve my skills and really want to push the top end of my skill envelope over the next few years.
George C
With a background in the music industry I have always had a love of being creative, and I always knew it was something I wanted to peruse professionally. Whilst studying for my music degree, on a whim I picked up some space marine models to paint and my passion only grew from there. I’ve since painted hundreds of models but I always try to push myself with what I do and explore new ways to improve. My hopes for the future are to pursue competitive painting more and perhaps pick up a trophy or two!
James W
It started with a trip to my cousins house as a child, where I watched him take out this magnificent unpainted model space marine (something I had never seen before) and proceed to dip it fully in a pot of black paint, stating that ‘this was the quickest way to paint it’. Although this statement was probably true, I thought I could definitely do a little better than that. Thus my journey had begun, taking the obligatory teenage years hiatus and then jumped back in at 25. I started taking painting seriously in 2019 and thought that it was something I could definitely do full time and in 2020 I took the plunge and joined the Siege team, who offered me so many opportunities not only to paint things I never would have picked up but to better myself and my skills literally daily. I now work for Siege full time from my home based studio and couldn’t be happier! I look forward to adding my little bit of expertise to the flourishing company that is Siege Studios.
Jeremy R
“I first started painting miniatures around the early 90’s when I picked up my dads Humbrol paints and attacked my Heroquest figures. Over the next few years I started collecting and painting various miniatures (and discovered acrylic paints!) but I never really got into wargaming as a hobby, it was all about building and painting for me. I stopped painting as I grew older and started working, but always maintained an interest in art and creativity. I picked up the hobby again in 2017 and started painting up the figures from various board games I had. Over the years, friends, family and colleagues would always tell me I should be doing something creative with my life, so after a redundancy and some encouragement from my family, I took the plunge into commission miniature painting in the spring of 2021. Around 18 months later I was fortunate enough to join the team at Siege. I really feel my painting has improved since I joined and I look forward to growing more as an artist in the future.”
Keith S
I’ve been in the hobby for nearly 30 years since rogue trader days and before that model planes. Never been so much into the gaming side, more painting and kit bashing and it wasn’t until the LOTR sets came out that I got back into the hobby in a big way. Fast forward a few years, painting mostly my first love Space wolves, I have since then done the old hobbyist thing I bought more stuff. I started painting a few things for my local GW store then for a few Youtuber’s and finally started working with Siege. Personal hobby wise its all about my fully converted Squat army and my two Adeptus Titanicus armies.
Marc B
I started painting miniatures at 10 years old with Orks and Space Marines. I then became obsessed with Lord of the Rings miniatures and painted most of the range by the time I was 15. I followed many other hobbyists and fell away from miniatures for a few years until I rekindled my interest a couple of years ago. I started back where I first started with Orks and Space Marines, though I like to think I’ve broadened my horizons now. I love painting miniatures and with Siege I’ve been able to paint many different types which I wouldn’t normally have gone for. I get to try new painting techniques which hopefully will make me a better painter in the future.
I started painting minis in the late 80s when Rogue Trader first released, having been a keen scale modeller prior to falling headlong into the world of Citadel Miniatures. The hobby (and skill level) has evolved so much since then, but those vintage sculpts always retain a soft spot for me! My early collection ended up being given away in my teens (original metal terminators probably my most missed items now), and I ended up taking a long hiatus from the hobby, rediscovering it some 20 years later through an almost accidental stumble into painting tutorial content on YouTube. I’ve been an avid consumer ever since, and still love discovering and learning from different artists and trying the techniques myself. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to paint for Siege Studios and share my work with other collectors and gamers. I’m an occasional gamer too, with a love of all things power armoured, elven or Star Wars related. Kill Team, Star Wars Legion, Marvel Crisis Protocol and the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game all being in my playlist.
Maylott R
I have been painting on and off since I discovered The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game at the age of ten. I have a BA in illustration and an MA in communication design from Norwich University of the Arts.
Michael D
I originally got into the hobby at about 14 years old, playing Necromunda before moving onto Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Unfortunately, as with many others, I ‘grew out’ of the hobby, deeming it too nerdy and took a hiatus from the hobby for around fifteen years. Thankfully, I was inspired to return by the new High Elves which were re-released for Warhammer. From there, large forces of Tomb Kings, Wood Elves, Warriors of Chaos and Beastmen soon followed. In terms of painting, obviously my levels of patience had increased from being 14, and I quickly began to become interested in the painting side. Over the years I entered local Games Workshop store painting competitions, which drew attention from friends wanting projects done for various armies. From there, I never looked back, painting commissions for multiple gaming systems from Games Workshop games, Infinity, Star Wars Legion and many more besides! When I get the time to paint for my own collection, I’m a fan of excess and can be found painting the glorious purple of the perfect legion, the Emperor’s Children!
Mick M
Back in 2002, my friend convinced me to buy the Battle Games in Middle Earth magazine (issue 1 containing 10 Goblins from the Lord of The Rings range). This was my first foray into a hobby which I knew nothing of, which eventually lead to my first pilgrimage to my local Games Workshop. Upon leaving with my Orcs from the current starter set, I was set upon the path of Fantasy goodness, inspired by models in the cabinets and a certain staff member, I pushed to be the best painter I could possibly be. I’ve been commission-painting for around 9 years now and love it, I missed working as part of a team and this is where Siege comes in. I get some great opportunities to work on some epic commissions and work with a great team. I’m looking forward to continuing working with Siege and paint some awesome models and continue developing as a painter and a team member.
Morgan F
I originally got into miniature painting in the last century, back when minis were made of metal, drybrushing was a mythical high-level technique, and Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers were riding high in the charts. Unable to come close to replicating the work of Mike McVey, I turned away from the hobby for a couple of decades (the wilderness years) before returning in 2016 determined to get good at this painting lark. This is an ambition I still hold. I now spend my days painting miniatures, drinking my paint water, and thinking about orks… it beats working for a living.
Niall L
At the tender age of 7 years old I discovered the worlds of Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy and got bitten hard by the painting bug. Over 25 years later my passion for miniature painting has only gotten stronger! After many years of practice, patience and persistence, I have the pleasure of being hired by Siege Studios to share my passion for painting with the wider world. I constantly strive to learn and improve my techniques so that I can produce the best quality work possible, be it for single miniatures or armies alike. I look forward to all the fun and interesting painting jobs to come and push myself more and more to produce the top quality paint jobs that Siege is famous for!
When I first discovered this hobby, I had to stumble upon a few hooked panels of various Citadel models, hidden away on the top floor of a department store. It was amongst the toys and games, but it was immediately obvious it was something different. Never had I seen my imagination given such perfect form, and been handed such creative license, all in the same moment!
I now find myself lucky enough to be working in this amazing industry! The range, variety and quality of models and resources available today would be unbelievable to my younger self. Whether you’re painting for show, or building an army for gaming with, that feeling of putting down a model with
some lovely basing, in that scheme you’ve been dreaming of, and seeing it suddenly inhabit a whole different world before you, that never gets old!
I consider myself very fortunate that I get to be inspired by the amazing schemes the community comes up with, and help make that magical feeling
a reality for someone!
Paul M
I got into miniatures with Hero Quest and Space Crusade far too long ago. I’ve taken more than a few breaks from the hobby over the years, but I got back in after deciding I needed an activity to maintain my sanity while my infant son napped. I’m not sure I succeeded, but at least I know what wet blending is now. You win some, you lose some
Rick R
I got into the hobby in 93 visiting the (at the time) very small Aberdeen GW. I received 5 blood angel Devastators, a BA Captain (which I still have) and a BA Dreadnought. Ever since then Warhammer has been a part of my life. This added to an already avid hobbyist, building Airfix, Tamiya and other various brands of scale models since I was very little. I have been painting figures, aeroplanes, cars, motorbikes (model and real) most of my life but Warhammer shone through and after painting as a hobby for 20 years, I made it my profession 6 years ago. I also enjoy other games (as a massive Starwars fan, Legion was obvious), and I like to dabble in Gundam kits when time allows. My personal current armies are Black Templars and Sisters of Battle, with way too many Kharadron Overlords sat in a box awaiting time to shine.
Rich W
After leaving University with a degree in Illustration I started trying to turn the hobby I enjoyed into something I could earn money from. I decided to dedicate myself to painting wargaming miniatures to the highest standard, in the process attempting to fulfil a childhood ambition. I have over 5 years of professional commission painting experience and I’ve over 25 years of experience with painting and modelling from Airfix and Humbrol through to Games Workshop and beyond. For me there is great pleasure in bringing a miniature to life for the satisfaction of the client and I relish the meticulous nature of the craft. I hope to progress in the future to the point where I can create competition winning work.
Senior Artist
It was only late 2016 when I really got into the hobby, I’d always loved Warhammer but never tried any painting myself. That changed when I walked into a Games Workshop store and left with a box of Stormcast and some paint, it didn’t take long till I was hooked and whilst I started off very rough I soon fell into a painting groove and since then I have constantly pushed myself to learn and grow as an artist and even help pass on any knowledge I’ve learned. Painting really is a true passion for me and it brings me endless joy to put everything I know onto a model and see the end result come together and have that feeling of pride, and knowing that I can do that and hopefully bring the joy of an awesome paint job to someone else is even more rewarding.
Custom Service Team
Senior Artist
Always a keen drawer and painter from a young age, I dabbled with miniatures in secondary school (way further in the past than I like to admit!) but then picked up painting and converting again in the late 2000’s. I went on to win some Golden Demon and Salute trophies as well as some online contests over the next few years, and even had a cover feature in Figure Painter International magazine. Painting minis is my absolute passion, and if I’m not painting or kitbashing I’m thinking about my next project!
My hobby journey began in 1989 with the release of Heroquest. Not long after, I bought my first White Dwarf and my passion for miniatures has only grown stronger since. Whilst I always enjoyed painting, from very early on I was an obsessive converter, back when almost everything was lead and required a hacksaw to work on. I studied Design and Figurative Sculpture in my college and university years. In the late 90s I was lucky enough to put my design skills to use when I got a job working at the Games Workshop Studio as one of the White Dwarf production staff. I’ve been converting miniatures professionally for the past decade and now as part of Siege Studio’s Custom Service team I’m thrilled to see my sculpts and conversions being painted to such high standards.
Warrior Workshop Team
Dan H
My hobby story is a familiar one, Space Hulk on my friends bedroom floor, 3rd Edition 40K on the dining room table across the back of a Subbuteo cloth and then banished to forgotten shoe boxes during my later teenage years and University. Fast forward 15 years to the launch of 8th Edition and like many others I was drawn back in by the deluge of incredible models that came with it.
The hobby to me has always been about large scale aesthetic above all else, there’s something about 2 beautifully painted armies on incredible terrain that captivates me. I love bright and saturated colours and have always been at my happiest quickly creating striking armies rather than spending months on a single model. Being able to apply this style for the launch of Warrior while still maintaining the professionalism, high-end service and attention to detail that Siege has become famous for has been a privilege.